Saturday, January 17, 2009

Darkest before the dawn....

Was thinking today about how my first blog of the New Year is pointing right at me. I wished that doubt would be replaced by clarity or some such thing. What I feel like today is that feeling I liken to labor. No, I am not in pain but it is that feeling that I need to go through something before I get to the other side. In the past 5 days, I have new shipments of beads, scents, oils, and I even got to take a jewelry class. So, my mind is reeling in creativity but there isn't a straight path to follow just yet. For anyone here who creates, I do not believe for a second that I am unique in this feeling. I believe it is universal. I made a loaf of new that wasn't going to meet the need ! I made two bracelets and a necklace...still not doing it.
So, what I believe needs to happen is quiet. Pure quiet. This was a chore day so no quiet today. Tomorrow, my beloved Steeler Team is playing and so maybe some quiet in the early part of the day but not likely. More likely than not, next weekend, G and I are going to Maine for three days. His mother has a 50 acre farm and she is in her 80's. We are surprising her as she gets very sad this time of year. She is socked in, it's cold, and she just had to put her companion and only surviving pet down a week or so ago. We are springing this on her as when she knows about the details, she really worries herself. The point is, her farm is a creative mecca and sits in splendor on a hill overlooking fields, and hills, and there is snow, and birds, and crystals of ice glimmering in such a peaceful way. That is where I believe I will be able to feel quiet enough to feel clarity. Maybe I will find it sooner in an unexpected place.
So, I was thinking of this new because I liked the photo tag. I was thinking of tagging someone to have say 48 hours to make a Valentine item and post it, then tag someone else. Maybe this can just be a challenge? Maybe I can just put the challenge into cyber space, and there is someone waiting right now who wants that challenge :)
Alright blog friends.... I had to openly state the business about the dark before the dawn. I believe dawn is coming.. I just need to get quiet. Thanks for reading. I really need to take down the last tree that is in my bedroom. Until next time..........

1 comment:

The Kramer Angle said...

I think you're right. Sometimes when you just have too much going on and your brain is reeling with all kinds of thoughts you can't find "what you're looking for". It takes a change of scenery, change of pace or something else to distract you. That's usually when I have my "aha!" moments.